Monday, August 30, 2010

Story Acceptance & Sobriety Update

My story "Jack Rainey and the Apocalypse Swarm" has officially been accepted, as of Saturday, by Black Label Books. Clicky on that, and check them out. Click on the "Like" tab at the top of the page. They're a really cool start-up publisher, and I'm really excited to be a part. Updates for my story will be coming soon. My friend Annie DuVall also has two stories, "Delicious," and "Sam" coming out from Black Label.

On Sunday I celebrated 4 years 11 months of sobriety. One more month and it will be 5 years. Such an accomplishment. I'm floating on air--never would have thought I'd be here!

So it was an exceptionally great weekend for me! Yay!


  1. Congrats on the book!!!

    I love Black Label Books.

    And totally congratulations on nearly 5 years of sobriety. I take my healthy lifestyle change much like an alcoholic takes sobriety. One day at a time. I'm only on Day 83 though. I blame pregnancy for falling off the healthy wagon. :D

  2. Hey Lisa,

    Thanks, it's a short story, not a book, though. Still working on the novel. Boy, I didn't pick an easy profession! Actually, writing picked me, lol!

    A healthy lifestyle is great, and I can definitley see how you could relate it to soriety. And no worries on pregnancy changing that temporarily. The baby rules your choices, and will for the next 18+ years *grin*
